Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Politics for Pocket Change [9.9.08]

The first basic truth of observance is as follows: observing is always entertaining, regardless of the subject. My emphasis is on the word "always" because it is true - it matters not what one chooses to observe, but instead the idea that one chose to observe in the first place. However, I must admit that choosing an assertive subject rather than a passive one is far more amusing. Therefore, it came to no surprise that such a person was the central topic of the day. Her name is unimportant and respectfully anonymous, but her candidate is boldly the party's answered prayer. Party specifics set aside, she is known for being politically head over heels, so it would come as a surprise to any and all Dutchmen when she was seen wearing the rival's campaign pin on her knit sweater. One could ask (and many did) why she turned this Benedict Arnoldian leaf, and her defense was blog-worthy. Some time prior to today, she borrowed five dollars from a friend and instead of paying said friend back, she agreed on renting her political soul to him for the next hour. There I sat, watching person after person express open concern for her shockingly recent conversion, while it was indeed nothing but a farce. After the hour expired, she popped the pin off and repented with a sigh of relief. The entire event left me full of giggles - and questions. Who really won in this situation? Was her burden worth five dollars? Did she sell her political soul for pocket change? What if she had borrowed twenty dollars instead of five? And how did it feel to cheat on her party? Would someone less politically passionate laugh at her? Would someone more passionate cry? Who is the sheriff in the town of democracy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alyssa, I love you. Anyways, sometimes the point of doing something is to remind yourself to not take yourself so seriously. Also, remember that sometimes politics is just a game--well, a serious game... ;)