Thursday, October 30, 2008

Waking Up [10.09.08]

Today's observation happened in the dead of night. Walking to my car, my nose twitched in the breeze. I sniffed something new, and yet familiar. As a strolled along the sidewalk, I realized what the odor was and where it came from. I could not believe that I didn't notice it before - it was there for the longest time. I peered up - it was there in the trees as they changed their color and fell to the ground below them. I glanced down - it was there, wafting up from the earth beneath my feet. I stopped and stood and simply took it in. My eyes closed as the essence glided over my face, and my hair whipped in the bellowing wind. My sense of smell was heightened, and there it was - crisp and clear and wonderful. The smell of fall.


Anonymous said...

Lame. I was totally expecting a dead animal or a pile of doodoo or something. Again, I reiterate: lame. Seriously.

Angelvoice said...

I apologize, Mr. Anonymous "n". I just thought it would be nice to just blog about something beautiful for once. So I am sorry that you don't share my appreciation for autumn :(

Anonymous said...

I do like autumn. :-) But I like dead animals and doodoo, too. I like ALL of God's creatures and handiwork! ...and the handiwork of some of His creatures...

Angelvoice said...

awww...n, I miss thee. When are you visiting the valley?

Anonymous said...

December 2 - 9. Also, the CAPTCHA for posting this comment was "scrounca." If you could use this somehow in an upcoming observation, that would be fantastic.

Angelvoice said...

hahaha...okay, I shall. And btw - I totally had to look up the word CAPTCHA - don't judge.

and I am so looking forward to December 2 :)

Anonymous said...

How forward-looking to it are you? 'Cause I need a ride from the Philly Airport (!!!). If you know anyone who'd like to come enjoy my charming presence and witty conversation, please let them know that I will be standing outside the airport, freezing, until they come pick me up.

And there will be money involved if I like you good enough.