Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fairs of Our Lives [9.26.08]

Today was the day above all others, for it was the Activities Fair at good ole LVC. One would think that the pinnacle of observations would be found in the middle of the event. However, the moment of pure lackadaisical enjoyment was unexpectedly discovered during the conclusion of the fair. The middle of the quad consisted of many tables and few people, so I volunteered to stay and help. There I was, tearing down tables in the middle of the quad, when I found myself in the center of a very intimate conversation. It was one of those moments where je ne sais quoi took over...similar to that clip from A Bug's Life regarding the mystical quality of bug zappers. The one mosquito says "Harry, no! Don't look at the light!" "I can't help it. It's so beautiful." My moral compass was pointing me in the opposite direction, and yet I couldn't look away. Of course, I kept my ears open and my hands busy by sprucing up the grass around me. "Look...I just don't see how we can be together anymore. I'm sorry." "Well...um...I - I guess." After her low blow, she started on her way. I honestly thought the soap opera was over and the credits were rolling.
I was wrong.
By now, she was fifty feet away. In a last-stitch effort to show his devotion, he lamented "If you ever change your mind...you know where to find me." Now she was a hundred feet away. His efforts increased to a literal scream: "I love you...I still love you!" So there I was, awkwardly and obviously standing in the midst of this modern-day soap opera. I, of course, exercised the first rule of accidental snoopage: never make eye contact with those involved.

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